Steven Reed Johnson

Portland, Oregon USA

Touch and Go


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Thailand Sojourn

Chapter 4

At home I imagine, at least the American ones, given its’s fall, would be lumbering around with their leaf blowers oblivious to disobeying unwritten laws about the rightful distribution of acoustic boundaries, so on their island paradises they trade "labor saving devices," for machines that try to imitate, abysmally, the graceful actions of dolphins.....

Staring into Space Continued

OK.  The first photo of my bungalow office was just at a resort where I was on a few days holiday.  This is the very urban view where I have my chair, desk, computer, wifi

Every morning, on the island, usually before most tourists were awake except for maybe the joggers, this barge would appear and a row of young guys would toss the garbage we all made from the day before.  Half mile beach. 150 businesses.  where did it go?

Then there was the blue hose.  Most of the day it was out of sight or just laid flat on the beach then it will fill up tight like an arm with defective lymph glands.  It went out a long ways.  My guess was it was filled and “operated” once the tide was going out.

Sorry Not very readable but above the women on the skytrain, Bangkok’s rail system, the sign reads: Please offer this seat to Monks.  How about we do one in Portland that says: Please Offer Seat to Aging artists or Aging community organizers?

Rush Hour in Bangkok?

No, this is Sunday afternoon. The only time it makes sense to take a taxi is after 10pm. Most of the time a brisk walker or jogger can easily get to most destinations quicker.  But, some people don’t seem to mind, as long as they have their mobile phones.  The taxis are air conditioned after all.

Global Climate Change

While I waited for my boat to pick me up to ferry me back to the mainland the waves were washing up to the bottom of the hotel lobby steps.  It was high tide, and more than usual.  But, a one foot rise in global sea levels and it would be all gone.  The beach even at low tide is 75-100 feet at the most from the businesses and most of the bungalows.  And what can you do about it if this is the only life you know?

Somet Island: Staring into Space

Reality Check
