Steven Reed Johnson
Portland, Oregon USA
Knowing Home
A long long time ago (1982) in a place called Ecotopia (the temperate rain forest bioregion that stretches from Bella Coola, British Columbia to Mendocino, California) some people put together a handbook about creating a sustainable city (Portland Oregon). Some of what they imagined has come true, some things we are still working on. Below are PDF files of most of the handbook. In the front matter there is also one of the last writings of Governor Tom McCall and a poignant poem by William Stafford and a list of contributors to Knowing Home. Happy reading!
Front Matter, Tom McCall, William Stafford, and 100 contributors List, frontmatter.pdf
The Basics of Bioregions, Steve Johnson, SJBioregional.pdf
Sustainable Portland, Steve Ames, SustainablePDX.pdf
The Past and Future of Self Reliance in Portland, John Ferrell
Bob Benson: Patron of Place, Richard Plagge, BobBenson.pdf
Where Currents Merge, the landscape and sub-regions of the Portland area, Steve Johnson, currentsMergeSJ.pdf
Overview of Portland’s Life support systems, Overview.Life.Support.pdf contributors: Mark Musick, Carlotta Collette, Steve Rudman, Laura Stuchinsky, Mark Roseland, Mimi Maduro, Terry Anderson, Nancy Cosper, Jerry Powell