Steven Reed Johnson
Portland, Oregon USA
Touch and Go
Thailand Sojourn
Chapter 8
Shopping in Bangkok
The first few days I was in Bangkok I felt accomplished when I was able to get in and out of the KMB mall (5 times as many vendors as Clackamas Town Center) with one out of five things I needed and only 1-2 things I didn’t think I needed. Three weeks ago I found the Gourmet Market. I don’t have photos that does it justice. It is an amazing international market. Ample local and organic and then of course the bizarre, like row after row of different cultural food groups. Guess what the one below is.
I don’t Know
I never thought I would say it but I have a fondness for 7/Eleven. There is something comforting about the limited selection and they do seem to know what expats might need: obvious things like toilet paper but also plugs to add to limited plug outlets or toilet bowl scrubbers, orange juice, yoghurt and peanut butter.
Then there is shopping for Electronics
Porntip Plaza--The place to go when something with one of your electronic gizmos goes bad
What do you think? The Plasma screen is nice but would it fit in the monastery?
We’d like speakers that would fill the Valley with our morning call to prayer
So most days I hop on the sky train. 5 minute walk. 10 minute ride and pick up food for dinner.