Steven Reed Johnson

Portland, Oregon USA

Steve Johnson’s Down Under on Top of the World Period

Cairns Institute, June, 2012

Ecotopian Nights
Touch and Go
Life Stories
About MeAboutMe.html

Preparing Students for a World

Without Frontiers

Knowing your place on the planet will extend your longevity through expanding time

Higher education isn't just about getting a job and money.  It is also about

•Building social networks

•gaining skills and knowledge to collectively solve community problems

•Learning about the Places you live

The skills and knowledge you will need to be successful includes:

•How to catalyze smart mobs to save the planet

•Knowing how to create collaborations and partnerships between divergent communities

•How to turn 10,000 words into a twit, YouTube or picture.  Repeat after me: Data visualization.

•How to create your own job.  Entrepreneurship

•How to shift through a glut of information to gain knowledge

You may have to change jobs every five years.  So you need to be adaptive.  Learn how to learn.  What you learned in college will be outdated within 5 years.

Don't just apply for a job. Create one.

You will probably have to choose between freedom and security

My task at your age was to find scarce information.  You have too much information.  So you need to be able to sift through it.  Find a Needle in a haystack.

America is going to become bio-polar.  Build its manufacturing base.  Make more stuff.  Something other than war machines. And on the other hand increase creativity and innovation.

Your social network will get you through hard times.  Your social network is more resilient than a job. Building a community is as important as family.

Please stop using the word "really."

I’m sorry to break it to you but...

You will probably attend 15,000 meetings in your life.  Probably more times then you will make love unless you are Wilt Chamberlin.

Keep in mind that you will spend one third of you life sleeping, and six months in blinking mode, 2 years on other body functions.  And if you spend the American average of 4.5 hours watching TV, video games or using social media--immersed in virtual reality--and meetings take up 3 years then you really only have 33 years for everything else. If you are a smart college student around 20 years old then you only got 13 years left, right.  Use the time wisely.