Steven Reed Johnson

Portland, Oregon USA

Touch and Go


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Thailand Sojourn

Image of the Day

Display Central Shopping mall:  rags and riches? Plumbing fixtures and newest fashion for plumbers?


Quotes for the Day

The planet earth is behaving like a body responding to an invasion like a flu virus.  Global climate change is its fever.

Capitalism thinks like a drug addict:  I want more.

For the movement of capital you don't want boundaries and frontiers, you need free flow, but for people you want walls

We are creating green zones (think: post Shock and Awe in Bagdad) around the world.  Areas with mobile phones, clean water, Walmart equivalence, surrounded by chaos.

From: Children of Men, DVD extras

The Meaning of my Name

I was given a beautiful wooden clock by the Asahikawa, Japan  Well-being Consortium.  It was written in Chinese Characters and we spent a lot of time trying to translate it and ended up with this:

The Master of commandment while walking with careful steps, compassion, good news and reverence

Now, there’s a lot to live up to.