Steven Reed Johnson
Portland, Oregon USA
Touch and Go
Thailand Sojourn
Image of the Day
Display Central Shopping mall: rags and riches? Plumbing fixtures and newest fashion for plumbers?
Quotes for the Day
The planet earth is behaving like a body responding to an invasion like a flu virus. Global climate change is its fever.
Capitalism thinks like a drug addict: I want more.
For the movement of capital you don't want boundaries and frontiers, you need free flow, but for people you want walls
We are creating green zones (think: post Shock and Awe in Bagdad) around the world. Areas with mobile phones, clean water, Walmart equivalence, surrounded by chaos.
From: Children of Men, DVD extras
The Meaning of my Name
I was given a beautiful wooden clock by the Asahikawa, Japan Well-being Consortium. It was written in Chinese Characters and we spent a lot of time trying to translate it and ended up with this:
The Master of commandment while walking with careful steps, compassion, good news and reverence
Now, there’s a lot to live up to.
#3--Chulalongkorn University Campus
#4--Somet Island, Staring into Space
#5--Ugly Blokes and Young Thai Women
#7--We are the World. Reflections on time-space continuum
#8--Shopping in Bangkok. Too many choices
#10--Lonely or Lonesome Planet
#11--The Beat Goes on. How did I miss the red shirt demonstration and President Bill in the same day
#12--Hey America, the World’s moved on
#13--Message to the next generation: we are trying to get out of the way
#14--I think I look different since I left Portland
#15--Exactly how did I miss that one?